An implementation case study from the Professional Petroleum Data Management Association (PPDM) provides an update on Hess Corporation’s deployment of the šPPDM data model as a master well repository (OITJ December 2008). Fred Kunzinger, E&P data manager for Hess Corporation said, ‘To compete with the national oil companies and majors, we had to be faster and smarter.’ This meant an overhaul of Hess’ ‘antiquated’ database and dispersed, variable quality proprietary data located in offices in Houston, Kuala Lumpur and London.
Three teams were set up to address raw, interpreted data and knowledge capture. PPDM was selected as the primary well database. Kunzinger said, ‘PPDM is straightforward and flexible and gets what you want it to do without overdoing it. It can accommodate all interaction with the database in a clear, straightforward manner.’ Hess allocated $1 million per year to data management in a 12 man-year effort which is now nearly complete.
Today, Hess’ master well repository in Houston is serving data to all regional offices. MoveIT from Ipswitch is used to compress and encrypt data transfers. The project is now being extended to include documents such as DST, core analyses, well completions and image logs. Hess now plans to include production data in its master database.
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