Knowledge Reservoir has teamed with Ingrain to promote the use of Ingrain’s ‘digital rock physics’ measurements in reservoir characterization. Ingrain uses a combination of 3-D NanoXCT x-ray tomography and high performance computing to analyze the reservoir in what has been described as ‘quantitative virtuality’ (OITJ July 2008). Ingrain technology works on core samples or drill cuttings and is claimed to speed turnaround time compared to regular laboratory special core analysis.
Knowledge Reservoir is to develop enhanced reservoir modeling workflows around the large amount of data that is generated by Ingrain’s technique to support clients’ rock property studies. Knowledge Reservoir president and CEO Ivor Ellul said, ‘Ingrain’s digital rock physics lab represents the future of rock property analysis. This deal means that our asset team consultants will further assist clients in maximizing recovery, reducing costs and improving understanding of the reservoir.’
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