Exprodat announces ESRI ‘bridge’ for SMT Kingdom Suite

Bi-directional ArcMap link lets interpreters ‘take control’ of connectivity, audits data provenance.

Exprodat has released ‘Team-GIS KBridge,’ (TGKB) a GIS-enabler for Seismic Micro-Technology’s Kingdom interpretation suite. TGKB transfers Kingdom well, seismic and interpretation data to and from ESRI’s ArcMap. TGKB is a ‘low cost’ alternative to heavyweight data integration, enabling end-users to ‘take control of data connectivity rather than rely on enterprise level connections.’

Exprodat CTO Chris Jepps said, ‘Getting data from E&P interpretation suites’ GIS can be challenging. TGKB lets users import project data into ArcMap as a shapefile or geodatabase. Data is automatically tagged with ArcGIS metadata, providing an audit trail of data provenance.’

TGKB is tightly integrated with Exprodat’s KWeb, allowing GIS users to drill-down from ArcMap to an overview of Kingdom project data via a web-browser. Team-GIS is a suite of ArcGIS Desktop extensions that provide ‘out-of-the-box’ functionality designed specifically for the petroleum sector. More from exprodat.com.

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