Standards Stuff

PPDM announces V3.9. Field device convergence, CEN releases EU e-Invoicing guidelines.

PPDM has announced that version 3.9 of its petroleum data model will release ‘mid to late’ 2010. Drafts of the model will be posted for member review starting in Q1 2010. Sample collection and preparation and organic geochemical analysis are being added to PPDM 3.9 now. PPDM is calling for data modelers to join the modeling committee. More from

Standards bodies EDDL, FDT, Fieldbus, HART, OPC and PROFIBUS are to cooperate, along with major device vendors on the Field Device Integration (FDI) standard. The intent is to assure a uniform device integration solution for process industries across all host systems, devices and protocols. The FDI spec is due out in 2010 and will provide design and test tools, common binary format and an EDDL interpreter. More from and

The EU CEN organization has published the results of its Workshop on ‘Electronic Invoices and Compliance.’ The document covers e-invoicing solutions that meet the needs of tax authorities across member states. An e-invoice standardization initiative sets out to implement the EU directives and national legislation on electronic invoices. CEN provides an eInvoicing portal at and guidelines for achieving compliance. More from

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