The US National Geoinformatics System (GEON) provided an update on its activities at the American Geophysical Union’s fall meet in San Francisco. GEON’s OpenTopography network is hosted at the San Diego Supercomputer Center and will operate an internet-based national data facility for high-resolution LIDAR topographic data. The facility will also provide online processing tools and act as a community repository for information, software and training materials.
Another project, the OpenEarth Framework (OEF), is to provide visual analytics for multidimensional geoscience data. OEF includes a suite of software libraries and applications for the analysis, visualization, and integration of large multi-dimensional multi-disciplinary geophysical and geologic data sets.
Finally GEON is helping prototype standardized interfaces to geology metadata in the online USGIN catalog. USGIN is working on standard services to make data resources of the state and federal geological surveys accessible online in a distributed network using a few standards and protocols. The network is open to all providers and users. Existing data formats such as GeoSciML, ChemML, and Open Geospatial Consortium sensor, observation and measurement markup languages will provide the necessary interchange formats. More from, and
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