PPDM AGM and Fall User Meet, Calgary

PPDM CEO Trudy Curtis describes a growing organization. Talisman and Hess report on enterprise-scale deployment of the Public Petroleum Data Model. geoLOGIC Systems offers ‘PPDM in a box.’ IHS and P2ES report on PPDM’s capture and revamp of the venerable API well numbering system.

Trudy Curtis reported on a growing PPDM organization. PPDM is hiring 3 new positions and has introduced a new ‘individual’ membership category. While Canadian membership is down, US and international is up and PPDM is now a CDN$1.2 million organization (up from $800k).

Lonnie Chin described Talisman’s strategy for integrating unstructured E&P data. Talisman has deployed MetaCarta’s GIS/Lexicon application as a component of its well master data management solution. Schlumberger, as MetaCarta’s upstream integrator, was involved in the project. Talisman opted for a home-brew master data management solution using a PPDM data store. A two tier strategy has been implemented, with key documents subjected to manual tagging and review, less critical stuff is classified automatically by MetaCarta.

Pat Rhynes GeoLogic Systems (GLS) described the ‘PPDM in a Box’ project– a standard approach to a ‘full service,’ pre-populated PPDM 3.8 implementation. PPDM in a Box addresses use cases such as master data management, asset lifecycle data management, business process management and more. Potential users are start ups, ‘green field’ developments, Agencies and National Oil Companies. GLS, along with Noah Consulting was commissioned by PPDM to study the possibility of a standard implementation. The plan is to continue development along the lines of an open business model which will develop an ‘open’ data mode, open rules and an open meta-model. Expressions of interest are sought for an ‘at scale’ project that will kick off in 2010.

James Stolle (P2ES) and Bruce Smith (IHS) reported that the American Petroleum Institute is working to hand over control of the API well numbering standard to PPDM. The venerable API was last revised in 1985 before widespread horizontal drilling. The plan is to review and incorporate similar standards from organizations such as the MMS and to enhance the standard from its original regulatory role to one that enables data integration. Results will be out next year and available online to all.

A further strong endorsement of PPDM came from Hess’ Fred Kunzinger who described a Technically Validated Database (again with Noah). Hess first attempted to implement a vendor OTS solution before developing its own database using the PPDM Data Model and Volant’s Enerconnect middleware. A presentation from systems integration behemoth Infosys underscored PPDM’s maturing role in the upstream.

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