Speaking at the French ESRI User Group last month, Alexis Mayet introduced Total’s ‘Tr@ce’ crisis management system. Prior to the Tr@ce deployment, crisis management data was dispersed across Total’s assets and required clean-up and harmonization. Data gathering kicked off in 2007 and now the system is operational at 21 subsidiaries along with the Paris HQ. Each site has a dedicated crisis management owner—and identical crisis management procedures are used throughout the company.
Total addresses crisis management at three levels—with a management plan at HQ, an emergency plan for each subsidiary and an intervention plan at each site. Tr@ce is designed to manage emergencies such as natural disasters, blow-outs and pollution incidents.
The system uses ESRI’s ArcIMS map server to publish geographical information and technical data on the web. The system was designed and built by French GIS specialist Mobigis which is also responsible for data validation, maintenance and support. Tr@ce helps Total organize its troubleshooting effort, manage security and provides decision support to management.
Along with cultural data, Tr@ce displays site-specific information on wells, pipelines, facilities and personnel locations. Documents can be attached to a geographical location. Tr@ce uses a central web server housing maps and data. The technology includes an Oracle/ArcSDE database and an internet map server based on ArcIMS 9.2. The system was developed with ESRI’s ArcGIS Web Application Developer Framework (ADF) for Microsoft’s .NET Framework. ADF gives Tr@ce a consistent ‘look and feel’ and assures consistent layer naming and symbology. Next year Total plans to extend the system with the inclusion environmental data.
In the Q&A, it emerged that the choice of ArcIMS had been a difficult one and that a port to ArcGIS server might be considered in the future. More from www.mobigis.fr/en/.
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