Speaking at the 2009 Nokia/Qt Developer Days last month, Midland Valley Exploration (MVE) CTO Mike Krus described how MVE has been using the Qt cross platform GUI toolkit to create advanced geological modeling applications for oil and gas. MVE has been using Qt for seven years to enable 2D and 3D geological modeling and visualization on Unix, Linux and various flavors of Microsoft Windows. MVE makes copious use of Qt technologies including sockets, widgets, graphics, the Webkit, designer plug ins and unit tests.
MVE’s latest product, 4D Move, used Qt from day one—the other packages have now all been ported to a cross platform common code base. 3D development uses Systems in Motion’s Coin/SoQt extension.
Krus demonstrated an impressive range of graphics—conventional 2D/3D modeling, a variety of data views and raster/vector 3D mapping combos. Qt’s Webkit enables JavaScript/C++ interaction for rich web-based functionality. Qt concurrent simplifies multi threaded code parallelization. According to MVE, Qt has provided a ‘better mixed-platform integration, a shorter release cycle, and improved quality.’ Krus noted that ‘Qt makes hard things easy.’ More from http://qt.nokia.com/about/contact-us.
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