Reliance Gas pipeline compressors ‘tuned’ by satellite

Dry Low Nox compressor commissioning in India controlled from GE Oil & Gas’ Florence, Italy HQ.

In what is claimed to be a world first, GE Oil & Gas is using satellite connections to customer sites for the remote tuning and testing of gas turbine combustion systems at eleven pipeline compressor stations owned by Reliance Gas Transportation Infrastructure Limited (RGTIL) of Mumbai, India. Remote tuning is being implemented on thirty-two gas turbines located along the pipeline and is scheduled for completion at the end of November 2009. After this date, future remote tuning will be extended under a long-term contractual service agreement. GE implemented a novel remote tuning and commissioning strategy using a bridge-encrypted internet connection between servers at its Florence, Italy headquarters and manually operated computer terminals located at the remote pipeline stations.

Jeff Nagel, VP Global Services with GE Oil & Gas said, ‘RGTIL is committed to aggressive commissioning targets, so the efficient, reliable and rapid start-up of new gas turbines was critical. In addition, many of the pipeline stations are in remote locations. This project provides a model that we will replicate in future Dry Low Nox combustion system tuning efforts for other customers.’ More from

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