Standards Stuff

SEG.D R3 draft, ISO’s IT quality, PPDM oil sands, UBC’s SLIMpy, Information Overload Group.

The SEG technical standards committee has released the final draft of the SEG.D Rev 3 acquisition standard. The revision supports bandwidth over 24 bits and passive ‘interferometer’ recording with an ‘extended’ recording mode of up to 1,628 days of data in one record. Records can now have microsecond-accurate GPS time stamp. An appendix includes examples of how to store SEG.D3 files on disc. The committee is currently looking at a ‘roadmap’ for electro magnetic (EM) recording standards development and further tweaks to the SEG.Y format. The SEG committee is also working with OGP to align positional data standards from acquisition to interpretation, leveraging the EPSG positional database. More from


The International Standards Organization has released a new standard for the quality management of IT systems and software engineering. The ISO/IEC TR 90005:2008 standard for systems engineering – a.k.a. ‘guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to system life cycle processes’ is designed to extend the quality management methodology of ISO 9001:2000 to the acquisition, supply, development, operation and maintenance of IT systems and related support services.’ Work group lead, Shigenobu Katoh said, ‘ISO/IEC 15288:2002 is a starting point for system development, operation or maintenance. This portfolio of technology-independent, generic processes optimizes management of the whole product lifecycle in any sector.’ More from


The Public Petroleum Data Model Association is considering extending its data model to include oil sands. Another workgroup has been set up to ‘develop information about well components.’ The new workgroup is to operate under the enigmatic banner of ‘What is a Well?’ More from


Felix Herrmann, director of the University of British Columbia’s Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling (SLIM) has announced the availability of the ‘SLIMpy’ Python interface to seismic data processing packages such as Madagascar. SLIMpy is a scripting language for programming iterative algorithms from numerical linear algebra that were originally designed for batch processing. The current implementation supports a plugin for Madagascar’s out-of-core Unix pipe-based applications and is extendable to pipe-based collections of programs such as Seismic Un*x, SEPLib, and FreeUSP. SLIMpy is academic research code that UBC is releasing under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Hermann hopes that the release as open source code will help create an active community to further develop the software. More from


The ‘Information Overload Research Group’ has been formed to ‘make the business case for fighting information overload’ considered a ‘growing productivity problem.’ Founding members include Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel, and Xerox. More from

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