The PetroTrek event management solution (EMS) from The Information Store (iStore) provides a ‘complete top-to-bottom view’ of people, assets and events that impact petroleum exploration and production. EMS protects people and assets during routine operations and in the face of a storm. A web-based map improves situational awareness by placing information in context, supporting a wide range of event response and planning scenarios.
EMS connects diverse data sources including GIS data, wells and facilities, HR records, weather tracking and satellite imagery. The EMS map visualizes fields, pipelines, platforms and the operational context of people and assets. Users can drill down to production bubble plots for a whole field or individual wells.
EMS’ hurricane analysis tools let users track storm paths and impact probability regions. The system targets response planning and training with scenarios generated from archived weather data. EMS leverages iSTore’s ‘PetroTrek’ service oriented architecture to combine commercial or proprietary data sources, including SQL Server, Oracle, PeopleSoft and Impact Weather.
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