Moblize has just announced ‘DARP’ an ‘enterprise class’ WITSML server for aggregating drilling data. WITSML is an XML-based standard for well information transfer from Energistics. Moblize principal, Amit Mehta, said, ‘WISTML promotes openness and interoperability. However current WITSML solution providers want to lock clients into premium data management and visualization solutions. This attitude will slow WITSML’s adoption and value creation as a backbone for drilling solutions. Moblize provides clients with the flexibility to buy virtually any component of the WITSML solution from data to decisions.’
DARP Central Server acts as a gateway to well data from multiple service companies. This central aggregator collects and aggregates both real-time and historic well site data and stores it in Oracle, Mysql or SQL Server. DARP provides a single source server for real-time and historic data. WITSML compliant viewers and applications can connect to the DARP with controlled access for authorized users. DARP provides a web-based query mechanism for specifying data formats.
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