An IDC study commissioned by DARPA, the DoE and the US Council on Competitiveness found that US ‘tier 1’ energy firms outpace other industries in integrating high performance computing into critical business functions. All T1 energy companies deployed HPC in R&D and design engineering and three quarters use HPC in ‘manufacturing.’ T1 energy firms are ahead of their counterparts in life sciences, automotive and aerospace in large scale data management—an emerging application area with the potential for ‘enormous business payoff.’ Energy also bested the other sectors in applying technical computing to ‘help drive innovation’. Energy companies reported under use of HPC—suggesting that there may be ‘more innovative applications on the horizon than in other industries.’ Note that ‘HPC’ for the study was defined as ‘all servers used for technical computing tasks’ covering machines with a price tag of $5,000 up.
* Read the full study on—if only to see on what thin evidence it is based!
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