Emerson Process Management reports on early adoption of its Smart Wireless (SW) solution set, an extension of its PlantWeb digital architecture. SW provides communications spanning field networks, business and plant applications. BP uses the technology to monitor well-head annular pressure at its UK Wytch Farm field and StatoilHydro performs surveillance of wellhead and heat exchanger pressures.
Bob Karschnia, Emerson VP wireless said, ‘Diagnostic information from wired devices such as pressure, temperature, and vibration transmitters is captured through the SW gateway into a self-organizing network based on WirelessHART. Hardened Cisco outdoor access points are deployed to support applications such as VoIP, video surveillance and ‘people location’ to improve workforce productivity.’ ‘Up to’ 90% cost reduction is claimed over wired technology. Craig Llewellyn, president of Emerson’s Asset Optimization division described wireless as ‘the new frontier in asset management.’
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