Suncor Energy Products has deployed eDynamic’s franchise application management system (FAMS) to handle the increasing number of applications for franchises of its gasoline retail operations in North Amercia. FAMS is a customized version of eDynamic’s Apps-In-Motion System (AIMS), a hosted solution for workflow automation. Suncor’s business was expanding rapidly with some 40 applications per day from potential franchisees. Screening applications was ‘cumbersome’ so Suncor contracted with eDynamic for an application to manage the whole selection process, reducing the unproductive ‘paper processing’ work.
Suncor’s Linda DeRusha said, ‘FAMS has helped us focus on the applicants that have the appropriate profile and experience. It has made the whole recruitment process much more manageable, and time efficient.’ Following deployment, the franchise recruitment team was reduced from four to one and Suncor has expanded its reach at a ‘much reduced’ cost. New York headquartered eDynamic is a global IT and outsourcing consultancy.
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