Acceleware has just rolled out ‘AxK,’ a seismic processing software library that brings graphics processing unit (GPU)-based number crunching to 3D Pre-Stack Time Migration (PSTM) developers. Acceleware demoed the solution at the 2008 C3GEO Convention in Calgary this month. AxKTM is claimed to deliver increased computing performance with reducing power consumption, cooling needs and data center footprint.
Wilf Kruggel, director of Techco Geophysical added, ‘The use of GPUs for running large seismic migrations gives processors massive processing power while reducing the need for additional infrastructure.’
Acceleware investor and technology provider Nvidia announced it is a founding member of Stanford University’s new Pervasive Parallelism Lab (PPL). The PPL will develop new techniques to harness the parallelism of multiple processors. Bill Dally, chair of Stanford’s computer science department said, ‘Parallel programming is perhaps the largest problem in computer science today.’ Other partners in the PPL are AMD, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, and Sun Microsystems.
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