Kappa launches ‘Rubis’ full field simulator where less is more

New lightweight full field simulator add-on to pressure transient toolset targets quick-look modeling.

Kappa Engineering has just rolled out a pre-commercial release of its new ‘Rubis’ full field, 3D, 3-phase reservoir fluid flow simulator. While other simulator developers move towards the massive ‘gigacell’ paradigm, requiring significant compute resources per run, Rubis takes a ‘keep it simple’ approach. The aim is to match production data with model forecasts quickly and frequently—so providing actionable information before it is too late to be useful.


Rubis brings high-end simulation to the mainstream with interactive creation of simple 3-phase, 3D numerical models. 2D unstructured gridding and flexible geometry options allow accurate modeling of gravity, phase contacts, and layering. Local 3D grid refinement allows for more detail in the region of a well bore. In fact grids can be shared with little modification between Rubis and Kappa’s ‘Saphir’ pressure test analysis tool, leveraging pre-existing calibration work.


Optimized unstructured grids are built automatically from maps and sections of the reservoir geometry. A spatial interpolation (Kriging) option is available for complex geometries. Faults can be either barriers to flow or with infinite or finite conductivity. Non-Darcy flow is available, as well as double porosity and areal and/or vertical permeability anisotropy. Rubis shares the GUI of Kappa’s Ecrin suite and can interoperate with analyses made in Saphir or Topaze. Rubis implements a fully compositional formulation in its object-oriented kernel. The package is available free to users of Kappa’s software pending its commercial release in six months time. Kappa has also announced ‘Amethyste,’ a new well performance analysis package for later this year.

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