At the annual meeting of the Data Management Association (DAMA) in San Diego this month, Mona Pomraning, E&P enterprise data architect with BP proposed an Energy Data Management special interest group (SIG). The energy SIG is to address data issues that face energy companies with out-sourced, virtual teams, videoconferencing, intercontinental travel and multi-cultural teams. The old Houston DAMA chapter included many industries, with the energy sector representing a significant portion of the membership. Rather than reactivating the Houston chapter, Pomraning proposes the creation of an Energy SIG to give members a forum to address ‘vendor neutral issues and concerns.’ At the top of the list of topics is ‘integration of the various energy sector data models from PPDM, Energistics and others.’
Data warehouse
Other high level objectives for the SIG are integration of data modeling, data warehouse and master data management tools and third party applications—along with the thorny issue of the quality of deliverables from third party vendors selling data structures and content. Before joining BP, Pomraning was involved in data management of Boeing’s 777 airplane.
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