Hi tech engineering specialist ISM International is leveraging experience gained in the US Homeland Security program to enter the oil and gas patch. According to ISM, demand from ‘several majors’ has led to the ‘GotchaGPS’ personal safety technology being embedded in new products aimed at the oil industry. GotchaGPS is powered by Millennium Plus*, a mobile tracking device attached to a vehicle that uses ‘a constellation of satellites and patented GSM technology’ to provide location information to a web browser, email, cell phone, or pager. The technology will be adapted to track personnel and vehicles in high security oil projects.
ISM CEO Mario Quenneville said, ‘Consumers and businesses want better security and the GotchaGPS device can provide this for large installations or individuals—these devices are the cutting edge in protection and security.’ Last month ISM acquired ‘exclusive distribution rights’ to GotchaGPS for the ‘American, Canadian and International markets.’
* This appears to embed technology from Falcom Stepp.
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