BP has deployed technology from VRcontext (VRC) to model and simulate the behavior of its Schiehallion floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. In a recent webcast, VRC CEO Marc de Buyl described how multi-vendor 3D CAD, laser scan, photo imagery and a digital terrain model of the seabed have been assembled into a virtual reality 3D model, leveraging VRC’s WalkInside flagship product. The model is linked to information systems, engineering and process simulators and has been used for real time monitoring, operator training and emergency response. The VR approach, according to de Buyl, allows owner operators to ‘capitalize on data transparency—across all disciplines and activities on deep complex offshore assets.’ BP used the model to help steer a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) around complex seabed equipment.
WalkInside’s link to the engineering world is through VRC’s ‘ProcessLife’ product that enables bidirectional links to real-time applications such as SCADA/DCS and process simulation. ProcessLife applications include computational fluid dynamics data visualization, tracking field personnel in 3D and training. WalkInside also embeds Noumenon’s XMpLant formulation of the ISO 15926 plant data standard. According to the company, a growth in standards take-up has led to an increased role for XMpLant. VRC has been nominated for a FIATECH award for its innovative use of real time dynamic tessellation for continuous rendering of the 3D model. The CETI award ‘celebrates engineering and technology innovations.’
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