eLynx has announced several successful deployments of its entry-level remote monitoring solutions this month. Permian Basin stripper well operator MWS Producing has deployed eLynx’ remote tank level monitoring solution—showing that remote monitoring can be cost-effective on wells producing only ‘a barrel or two’ per day.
MWS owner Mike Swinson said, ‘With eLynx we can measure tank levels to one-sixteenth of an inch. This means increased production due to less downtime and increased operating efficiencies. We save $195 per site per month, as fewer trips to the field are required.’
Another happy customer is Todd Davis, SCADA/Measurement Manager for Hanna Oil and Gas—‘Before we started using eLynx, we were driving to every location every day, sometimes several times, to get readings. This was very costly and inefficient. Now we can operate by exception and go where we need to go first thing in the morning.’ Hanna uses ScadaLynx to remotely measure oil and gas production.
ScadaLynx was also successfully deployed by Houston-based OGS Pipeline to monitor a 16-mile section of pipe in a remote area of West Texas. OGS president Roy Brehm said, ‘We have found all of our lost and unaccounted-for gas, reduced our weekend on-call staff from 3 to 1 and can now identify problem areas without spending hours behind the windshield.’
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