Marathon has chosen Open Text enterprise content management for its company-wide document and records management. The software will be used by 20,000 employees around the world to improve business processes and share documents, records, email and information in Microsoft’s SharePoint Server.
Doug Couch, Marathon’s program manager said, ‘The objective of our Enterprise Content Records Management (ECRM) program is to make sure that Marathon personnel are accessing relevant, up-to-date and trusted information. This includes the ability to identify, capture, preserve, and classify records from across the enterprise. Integration with SharePoint means that employees can continue to work in Microsoft interfaces, while we implement the lifecycle management capabilities we need in Open Text.’
Federated search spans multi-site SharePoint documents as well as content in Open Text’s ECM repositories. Marathon leverages Open Text’s email management solution for Microsoft Exchange—combining ‘foundational’ email archiving with records management capabilities.
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