Petrosys announces ‘return’ of PPDM 3.8-based dbMap

In-house master data store development is back! Petrosys offers bridge to R5000 and Petrel.

A new release of Petrosys’ mapping package sees the ‘re-emergence’ of the dbMap Petrosys Data Management brand. The move reflects the renewed interest in in-house developed master data stores. As Petrosys CEO Volker Hirsinger told Oil IT Journal, ‘The DIY master data store is back, especially on PPDM, hence the opening for Petrosys DBMap.’

The new 16.5 Petrosys release includes connectivity to Schlumberger’s Petrel and support for Landmark’s R5000 release. The Petrel plug-in allows exchange of Petrosys grids with Petrel projects, direct gridding of Petrel seismics and import of Petrel seismic faults to Petrosys.

Petrosys’ gridding now includes kriging-derived variograms and anisotropy. By leveraging directional trend analysis, features such as river systems, dunes and mountain ranges can be mapped more realistically. In the 3D viewer, users can now save a series of camera viewing positions as a collection of ‘viewpoints’ or bookmarks which can be rendered as an mpeg movie along with time-series data for presentations.

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