At the Energistics Middle East region meeting and WITSML public seminar in Dubai last month, Saudi Aramco was recognized for its commitment to WITSML. Julian Pickering of BP presented the award to Aramco’s Kamal Al-Duhailan, administrator of Aramco’s drilling and workover division of the petroleum engineering application services department.
The Pipeline Open Data Standards organization, PODS, has released V 5.0 of its pipeline data standard for comment by members. The PODS annual user group meet was cancelled due to Hurricane Ike. A replacement conference has been scheduled for March 31-April 1, 2009. Topics are to include pipeline GIS, PODS spatialization and an introduction to PODS seminar. More from
The Cape-Open organization has announced a ‘wizard’ for Cape-open unit operations in Fortran. The wizard was originally developed for Total by ProSim SA and has been donated to the membership by Total and can be downloaded from the Cape-Open website members area. Cape-Open has released its Cape-Open Logging and Testing Tool (COLTT). COLTT enhances the performance of Cape-Open compliant software development. The open source software is now a SourceForge project.
Edigas has migrated its European gas data interoperability codelist from a legacy Microsoft Excel format to the new Edigas V 4.0 XML implementation.
The Object Management Group has approved several new specifications including a ‘Reference Metamodel for the Express Information Modeling Language’. Express was used by POSC to define the Epicentre upstream data model and for modeling of STEP, ISO TC184 industrial data and in POSC/Caesar’s ISO 15926 data model. OMG is now working to standardize a representation of Express using its own ‘XML Metadata Interchange’ (XMI) specification.
The OASIS e-business standards body has announced a ‘Blue’ initiative, ‘to foster discussion on the role of open standards and sustainability.’ OASIS Blue ‘builds on the sustainable, environmentally sensitive nature of the Green movement, extends its appeal by including principles such as the value of greater efficiency, of reduced infrastructure cost, of more effective use of resources, and the benefits of economic growth.’ Keep taking the (blue?) tablets!
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