Jewel Suite 2008, DIANA ‘matrix free’ geomechanical solver

Update to JOA Oil and Gas’ reservoir modeling toolkit includes ‘dynamic’ uncertainty management.

JOA Oil and Gas has released Jewel Suite 2008, an enhanced version of its integrated reservoir modeling toolkit. CEO Gerard de Jager said, ‘We expect this release to see rapid take-up by existing customers and also to open new markets where users are looking for cost effective and intuitive reservoir modeling tools.’ New functions include dynamic uncertainty management, improved handling of large seismic datasets, smart data interfacing and macro tools for automated modeling.

Jewel Suite now also includes Diana, a ‘matrix free’ solver for geomechanical analysis developed by the Dutch R&D organization TNO. Matrix free methods are claimed to offer orders of magnitude speed-up in compute intensive work and are particularly amenable to parallelization on compute clusters (see page 3 of this issue for more on JOA’s role as partner in the launch of Microsoft’s Windows HPC Cluster Server 2008). At the Society of Petroleum Engineer’s ATCE, JOA was showing Diana running on a $100,000 machine with 100 cores from Nor-Tec. More from

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