It’s national cyber security awareness month in the US. The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) is engaging public and private sector partners ‘to increase awareness and minimize vulnerabilities.’ Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced the initiative earlier this month. In the Q&A, Bob Connors (Raytheon) opined that the private sector ‘understands the risks and is investing a lot of energy in cybersecurity.’ But Connors was skeptical in regard of the ability of ‘the tens of millions of folks out there with home computers’ to treat cyber security seriously—’They don’t get it and they don’t want to get it.’ Chertoff was also asked what the DHS is doing to protect information supplied through National Infrastructure Protection Plan especially concerning ‘high-risk chemical facilities.’ Chertoff responded that the DHS was attentive to its internal systems’ security. The DHS is ‘getting its house in order,’ implementing ‘Einstein,’ a robust penetration data protection system. Chertoff has resisted efforts to release some chemical data under the Freedom of Information Act—’The danger is that, if we put it out there, it ends up being read in caves somewhere in South Asia as well as on your home computer.’ More safety tips, from, and!
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