Industrial Defender, Kepware team on intrusion detection

Host intrusion detection package to augment KEPServerEX security agent for automation.

Kepware is teaming with Industrial Defender to develop a version of Industrial Defender’s host intrusion detection software as an add-on to the KEPServerEX security agent. The new plug-in will monitor cyber security parameters of the environment including failed login attempts, file system consistency, removable media access, registry modifications, process and socket violations, and other SCADA parameters. When an Industrial Defender Security Event Management Console (SEM) is present, it will aggregate, correlate, store and report security events. Industrial Defender’s ‘Defense–in-Depth’ offering is now part of the ‘Connected with Kepware’ partner program.

A new release of ID’s ‘Gauntlet,’ V 2.2 adds NERC CIP critical infrastructure protection compliance—protecting against internal and external cyber attacks and vulnerabilities. Gauntlet was added to the Industrial Defender product suite with the acquisition of Teltone Corp. New features include virtual router redundancy, cyber assets flagging and IP domain lockdown.

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