GB Petroleum has deployed Interactive Net Mapping’s ‘OilElefant’ web-based geographic information system (GIS) to visualize its E&P operations in Europe and North Africa. The package will form the basis of a database of GBP’s license, well and seismic data, reducing the need for hardcopy and storage. Released last year, OilElefant displays oil and gas data in multiple projection systems on an interactive global map, with zoom and drag functionality. The package can be accessed by mobile users wherever an internet connection is available.
According to INM, OilElefant leverages a third party worldwide interactive base map complete with topography and bathymetry shading. The interactive world map offers fast response and conforms to the OGIS web map services WMS 1.1.1 standard. OilElefant embeds European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) geodetic codes and transformations.
Internet Information Services
Windows-based OilElefant was coded atop of Cold Fusion MX7 and Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS). The underlying database is Microsoft’s Database Engine (MSDE) with an upgrade path to SQL Server for larger datasets. The database model schema was based on PPDM Lite 1.0. More from
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