P2ES enhances Tobin GIS Studio Spatial Data Creator

P2 Enery Solutions adds spatial data analysis to land data management system.

A new release of P2 Energy Solutions’ (P2ES) Tobin GIS Studio offers direct map creation from P2ES’ Excalibur land data management system. Tobin GIS Studio Spatial Data Creator (TGS-SDC) creates maps and performs spatial analysis of land asset data.


TGS-SDC, the map-making module of Tobin GIS Studio, is an extension of ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop. Any OLE-compliant database or ASCII data can be imported into the scalable, enterprise GIS solution for land asset management.


Creation of lease and contract maps leverages IBM’s UniQuery (Excalibur is built atop IBM’s Unidata/DB2 database) language. The system allows for access and analysis of lease and contract information stored in the Excalibur database from the map interface.


P2ES executive VP Darrell Jones said, ‘Integration of Excalibur with TGS-SDC supports spatial data analysis of data in Excalibur without the need for an intermediate database. TGS-SDC is a cost-effective means of creating and managing oil and gas land spatial data.’ TGS-SDC has been certified with ESRI arcGIS Desktop version 9.2 SP2.

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