Software, hardware short takes ...

ModViz, NVIDIA, Roxar, Intervera, Impress Software, Encom, Mercury Computer, SensorTran and Sun.

ModViz has announced new graphics streaming products, StreamPlay and StreamPlayer that deliver application-independent 3D data visualization display for peer review, presentation, archiving and workflow based training. StreamPlay continuously records the output stream from a 3D graphics application. The results can be captured and replayed in the StreamPlayer client. StreamPlay offers 3D stream editing, interaction and lossless data compression. StreamPlay is compatible with any OpenGL application.

NVIDIA’s new ‘Tesla’ family of GPU computing products are set to transform workstations into ‘personal supercomputers.’ The top of the range Tesla GPU Computing Server houses up to eight NVIDIA Tesla GPUs—a total of over 1,000 parallel processors that add teraflops of parallel processing to clusters.

Roxar has announced a multi-year agreement with Calgary-based, Geomodeling Technology Corp., for the resale of its seismic interpretation software, VisualVoxAt. Roxar now offers a ‘full seismic through reservoir characterization interpretation solution.’

The latest release of Intervera’s DataVera adds a new ‘Match’ module. Match identifies duplicate records and applies business rules and matching algorithms to merge duplicates to a single record. Match can be used to create a master list of wells across different applications and databases.

Impress Software’s new ‘EPM’ release introduces support for Microsoft Project 2007 and ‘packaged processes’ to support a combined SAP plant and project integration scenario. Impress for EPM integrates SAP with Microsoft Project and Primavera, ‘eliminating custom coding.’

Encom’s ModelVision Pro 8.0 is a general purpose model-based potential field geophysical interpretation system. ModelVision Pro provides a wide range of import and export formats, utilities for gridding, filtering and numerical manipulation. An airborne survey can be created from a digital terrain grid or a set of synthetic drillholes created in a simulated geological model.

The new version of Mercury Computer Systems’ Open Inventor 3D graphics toolkit provides an easy-to-use API, extensible architecture and a large set of advanced components for rapid prototyping and development of 3D applications.

SensorTran has announced its DTS 5100-M18 long-range distributed temperature sensor (DTS) hardware which provides accurate temperature measurements over distances of up to 18 kilometers. The DTS product line includes an Ethernet-connected computer that is pre-loaded with DTS management software.

Sun Microsystems is to release its Solaris Cluster source code to the High Availability clusters community on the OpenSolaris site. Sun is releasing the source code for its Solaris Cluster Automated Test Environment (SCATE) along with agent related documentation. Sun also announced the commencement of ‘Project BlackBox’—a stand alone, customizable, container-housed high performance mobile data center for use—well, anywhere you like really!

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