OSIsoft has partnered with Sherrill-Lubinski Corp. (SL) to offer a Java/Unix interface to the PI System data Historian. The partnership offers users a customizable interface to PI data from Java apps running on UNIX and Linux servers. SL’s Enterprise RTView real-time information delivery platform lets users deploy custom dashboards, alerts, and reports. RTView connects to multiple enterprise data source, including the PI System.
OSIsoft director Patricia Garner said, ‘The partnership offers users a customizable solution for connectivity to UNIX servers. By partnering with SL, we can now offer rapid development of dashboards and decision support tools.’
The deal extends OSIsoft’s High Availability PI System (OITJ Jan 07) which enhances PI functionality by enabling access to data during scheduled and unscheduled down times without requiring special hardware or clustered environments. More from cdugger@osisoft.com.
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