Invensys Process Systems unit SimSci-Esscor has introduced a new simulation and modeling package to transform raw process data into ‘consistent and reliable information’ that can be leveraged to enhance asset performance. The new Material Balance Module (MBM) for SimSci-Esscor’s Advanced Real-time Performance Modeling (ARPM) suite, is a flowsheet-based solution that uses mass and volume reconciliation to reveal error sources that could affect real-time data accuracy.
Product director Harpreet Gulati said, ‘Consistent and reliable plant data is essential for operations and maintenance activities, but raw process data as gathered from plant devices can be subject to routine errors that may go unnoticed. By reconciling the mass and volume of process streams, MBM identifies errors or material losses so that these can be eliminated through tuning, maintenance, or other corrective measures.’
IT infrastructure
MBM interfaces directly with a plant’s IT infrastructure to automate data reconciliation without additional routine data entry. It combines advanced reconciliation methodologies within a flowsheeting tool to automate creation of daily material balance reports for each major unit, identify bad flow instrumentation, and aid in pinpointing material loss locations.
The scalable module can be used to create a simple material balance representation of a production system which can be extended for more rigorous heat and material balance, performance monitoring and decision support for closed loop optimization and real-time enterprise control. MBM interfaces with PHD and PI Historians, as well as Invensys’ own InFusion Historian.
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