Enterprise project management solution for Marathon’s Brae assets

UK-based Program Framework gets design and implementation contract.

Marathon Oil UK has awarded project management consultants Program Framework a contract for the design and implementation of an enterprise project management (EPM) solution to assist in scheduling, tracking and execution of maintenance and engineering activities across its North Sea Brae Asset. Brae comprises three production platforms and multiple onshore engineering teams.


The deal is a component of a larger revamp of Marathon’s Brae planning process including new planning software interfaced to Marathon’s SAP-based management, scheduling and reporting tool.

Microsoft Project

The EPM solution is based on Microsoft Project Server 2003 and provides users with visibility of schedule and resource information across multiple project plans in a variety of locations. Program Framework will also provide training in Microsoft Project and the EPM solution.


Program Framework director Paul Major said, ‘EPM is a critical component of the programmed maintenance that assures un-interrupted functioning of multi-billion pound assets. But EPM solutions are powerful and highly complex—tuning them to a company’s needs is critical to a successful implementation.’ More from christine.stone@programframework.com.

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