E&P Data Management consultants Stephenson and Associates (S&A) have just announced a re-write of their PSApphire data access tool in PHP. The open source GIS toolset Cartowebs/Mapserver provides entry-level GIS access to E&P data.
EPSG coordinates
Currently the system is deployed on Oracle’s free 10g ‘Express Edition’ but an abstraction layer provides database independence. Data is stored in its original format and coordinate data system. Re-projections leverage the authoritative EPSG coordinate database.
S&A also offers a range of media transcription and storage services including scanning, vectorizing and indexing. The solution targets smaller companies and countries embarking on data room promotional activity.
S&A clients include Amerada Hess, the African Petroleum Producers Association (APPA), BHPBilliton, BP, ExxonMobil, IHS Energy, Maersk, Marathon, Hydro, Petronas, Premier Oil, Schlumberger/PDVSA, Shell, Total, Unocal and Woodside.
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