Chevron has deployed ‘Integrated Communications’ (IG2) collaboration software solution from Chicago-based inSORS on its deepwater Tahiti and Blind Faith Gulf of Mexico fields. The inSORS Grid IG2 network connects engineers, geophysicists, and other knowledge workers in the Chevron’s Houston office with drill ships and production platforms for engineering and emergency response.
inSORS Grid IG2 enables offshore personnel to connect with dedicated collaboration rooms in Houston to discuss and resolve issues and make timely decisions. With a daily cost of operating each drill of approximately $500,000 and the potential losses from deferred production, the economics of enhanced collaboration is a ‘no brainer.’
Chevron uses the system to support its exploration, drilling and management teams. Each drill ship has its own real time collaboration room with high-end workstations. The system allows for high-quality video, full-duplex audio, and real time data collaboration even over low-bandwidth satellite connections.
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