PwC study of Emissions software packages

A free 20 page report, ‘Getting the Data Right,’ compares emissions trading/compliance solutions from six vendors in the context of the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme.

PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Netherlands unit has produced a 20 page study on information technology solutions for EU emissions trading compliance. Six companies, Pavilion, ESP, Promasys, EPM, CRS and TechniData took part in the study which provides brief company descriptions and a tabular presentation of the software packages’ functionality.


The launch of the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) in 2005 requires companies to monitor and report emissions and provide an independent verification of each installation’s annual emissions. The packages studied have a potential role in the capture of reliable and verifiable emission data.

What’s best?

The PwC study avoids a direct answer to the question, ‘what is the best solution?’ All the solutions were deemed capable of EU ETS reporting and offered options for transparent set-up, data security, internal and external reporting and data validations.


The packages also offered functionality not found in the ubiquitous spreadsheet, the de facto reporting ‘tool,’ and reduce the risk of errors. All are capable of integrating different source data systems, performing calculations according to the approved monitoring plan, consolidating multi-site data and reporting to installation, country or company level (customized reports), and are strong on data quality control.


The packages differed in their graphics, exception reporting and their real time capabilities. Some offer emission prediction systems and connections to trading systems.


The study offers a checklist for buyers of emission monitoring systems. Download the complete report from


On a related topic, the UK Offshore Operators’ Association’s new ‘enhanced’ environmental emissions monitoring system (EEMS) was supposed to go live this month. But at the time of writing, the site is not yet functional and its webmeister is unresponsive..

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