CGGVeritas unit Hampson-Russell has released a new version of its eponymous software. The CE8R1 edition adds ‘View3D,’ a new visualization package and ‘Seisloader,’ a data loader/browser.
INT has released its C++ GeoToolkit 3.3 leveraging both Trolltech’s Qt3 and Qt4 to offer cross platform data visualization and analysis to developers. GeoToolkit includes support for seismics, well logs and contour displays as well as hardcopy with print preview.
Geovariances has announced release 7.0 of its geostatistical package Isatis. V 7.0 adds 64-bit support for Unix, Linux or Windows platform with ‘huge’ dataset handling and multi-threading implementations of kriging and simulation. Also new is an interface with AutoCad DXF wireframes files.
Knowledge Systems has upgraded its Drillworks and Pressworks database. Drillworks V 11.5 now features mapping and GIS capabilities. The real time ConnectML module now supports WITSML 1.3.1. The Pressworks 2.5 database now allows wells to be shared across multiple projects without duplication and optional ESRI ArcSDE server functionality.
Release 2.5 of Knowledge Reservoir’s web-based Gulf of Mexico deepwater reservoir knowledge base contains detailed analysis of 63 mature fields containing 314 reservoirs and 353 wells. Data for fifty new producing fields is included.
A new version of NeuraLog’s package includes a log quality index for log data verification. A validation report provides a detailed analysis of the QA process. The NeuraSection and NeuraWellTool packages now connect to A2D’s Silverwire service.
The Open Geospatial Consortium has released a ‘candidate’ Observations & Measurements specification for public comment. The specification will embed the OGC’s Sensor Web standard, supporting technical measurements in science and engineering—more from
Safe Software’s FME 2007 release includes read and write capability for GeoRSS in W3C Geo, GeoRSS Simple and GeoRSS GML formats.
The new ‘ResWorks’ module in geoSCOUT V 6.12 offers practical reservoir diagnostic tools. Other enhancements address LAS log data management, the DST Pro module and mapping.
IBM has updated its catalog of XML standards, providing cross-referenced links to articles summarizing key XML technologies, recommendations and tutorials. More from
Oracle is now serving its Oracle Technology Network (OTN) information resource leveraging semantic web technology. More from
CGGVeritas has replaced its Intel-based Beowolf cluster in London with 2,800 IBM JS21 Blades each with double core PowerPC 970MP processors.
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