A white paper from computational fluid dynamics specialist ANSYS-Fluent shows how computer simulation was used to perform risk analysis of a proposed LNG terminal in California. The study investigates the effect of a breach in an LNG tanker’s wall. The spectacular resulting fire can be seen on www.fluent.com/elearning/resources/whitepapers/ensight-fire.avi.
Geomodeling Technology has released VisualVoxAt 6.0, adding synthetic seismic generation to the to seismic calibration and interpretation tool. Another new feature, the ‘S-transform’ enhances thin-bed detection.
PeakStream is shipping its development environment targeting high performance processors such as multi-core CPUs, graphics processor units (GPUs) and Cell processors (Oil ITJ Vol. 11 N° 10).
RAE Systems has been awarded a $2 million contract by PetroChina for the deployment of a 1,600 point combustible and toxic gas detection system at the Dushanzi petrochemical complex.
GPS specialist DeLorme has announced XMap 5.0, an ‘affordable GIS.’ XMap integrates geospatial data with DeLorme’s core GPS mapping framework, adding support for a variety of raster and vector GIS file formats.
ER Mapper has licensed Blue Marble’s GeoCalc 6.3 C++ software developer toolkit to extend coordinate system support in its mapping package.
Generalitat Valenciana has announced release 1.0 of gvSIG, its open source GIS. gvSIG is presented as an integrated GIS and spatial data infrastructure that offers web services mapping and geo-processing.
Lasser Inc. has announced V3.0 of its Lasser Production Data (LPD) package. The major release adds gas disposition report and export, and extensive integration with Microsoft MapPoint for well spot maps and production bubble maps.
The Pipeline Open Data Standards (PODS) has kicked-off a ‘One Call’ working group to address damage prevention data requirements. PODS has also finalized its draft corrosion data standard and is working with the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) on ratification. PODS is also working on spatialization of its data model, leveraging Oracle’s spatial technology.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has teamed with the Biodiversity Information Standards Authority on information standards.
Spotfire has announced a new version of its enterprise analytics platform, Spotfire DXP. V 1.1 introduces a new data relationship finder, a metrics summary table and the ability to save and bookmark workflows.
Tecplot has announced a new version of ‘Edge,’ its development environment. Tecplot Edge 3.0 is a customizable version of Tecplot 360 for adding XY, 2D and 3D plotting capabilities into solvers, simulators and data analysis packages.
Ultera Systems has released its Mirage Data Recorder (MDR), targeting seismic and real-time data acquisition. MDR uses twin redundant RAID 1 disks rather than tape. The device has been tested in the field by a major oilfield service company.
Stop Press !!!
Hyperion, has acquired Crystal Ball developer, Decisioneering Inc.
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