Flare’s E&P Catalog, originally developed for Shell, provides web-based publishing and retrieval leveraging a ‘knowledge map’ of E&P terminology. During publication, information can be manually tagged by users. Existing documents can be automatically classified by intelligent agents, adding value to legacy information.
As a metadata store, the E&P Catalog complements and adds value to existing systems, rather than replacing them. Both documents (hardcopy and electronic) and ‘chunks’ of information are indexed in the catalog—allowing for a true ‘single search’ of data in databases, archives, external content, maps and vendor data. The Catalog’s target audience is new business, exploration, well and development engineering staff.
The system is deployed using an Application Service Provision (ASP) model. This may be hosted externally or on the intranet. In one company over 3,500 staff are using the system from multiple geographical locations. The E&P Catalog is web based with installation on the server. End-users access the search and publish screens from their web browser. For Gaz de France, the E&P Catalog is hosted by Landmark in an application service provision (ASP) model as part of an overall IM service, allowing staff to search disparate information and order items. In Shell, the E&P catalog is hosted from Amsterdam.
IBM Global Business Services have partnered with Flare on a global deployment in an oil company where the catalog is used to track electronic deliverables from the top 70 projects.
A selected subset of the taxonomy used by the E&P Catalog will be released later this year to Energistics (POSC) so other companies can benefit. The adoption of standard ‘Product Types’ and context will enable more self-classifying cataloging, particularly from operations and external vendors.
Slice and dice
Dynamic folder structures let users ‘slice and dice’ information and view graphical representations search results against the knowledge map for new information discovery. A module captures key workflows for future re-use and also provides project milestones reporting.
The E&P Catalog uses the web services description language (WSDL) to provide standard content, integrating the Catalog with real time external information from sources such as Deloitte’s Petroleum Services Group. The Catalog has also been integrated with a number of different IT systems including Schlumberger’s DecisionPoint, Landmark’s TeamWorkSpace, ESRI’s ArcGIS and Metacarta. Other integrations include OpenText Livelink Document Management System, Microsoft Desktop Enigma PARS and PetrisWINDS Enterprise for RECALL and other systems.
Computer Society
In December last year Flare won the 2006 British Computer Society European Knowledge Management Project Award for its deployment of the E&P Catalog at Shell.
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