TGS-NOPEC has started acquisition of a speculative ‘megaproject’ over 16 Indonesian frontier basins. The multi measurement ‘blitz’ program includes new seismic data, Multibeam SeaSeep (MSS), potential field, cores, geochemical analyses and heat flow probes. The Megaproject has industry prefunding and will take eighteen months to complete.
The project has support from the Indonesian Directorate General of Oil and Gas (MIGAS). MIGAS director R. Priono, said ‘This program will generate a huge amount of new data and ideas on Indonesian geology.’ MSS data provides a high-resolution view of seafloor topography and detects hydrocarbon seeps..
TGS’ Asia-Pacific manager Paul Gilleran added, ‘Modern, integrated data can help open these frontier basins to new, ‘smart’ exploration.’ Making this diverse data set usable is quite a data management challenge. We will be bringing you more on how TGS-NOPEC plans to address this in a future edition of Oil IT Journal.
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