OpenSpirit V 3.0 represents a significant design change over previous releases of the upstream data integration layer. The changes will enable future expansion of the geotechnical data footprint, ultimately giving geoscientists and data managers access to new data types and data sources. The 3.0 release promises streamlined installation, a new intuitive user interface and improved usability.
Installing OpenSpirit no longer requires Oracle, significantly reducing installation complexity and ongoing maintenance. A Windows ‘master installation’ option is also available to offer more flexible deployment options. A new geographic coordinate service has been developed leveraging the European Petroleum Survey Group’s coordinate reference system library and the ESRI Projection Engine.
OpenSpirit president Dan Piette said, ‘Version 3.0 is a significant redesign of the OpenSpirit infrastructure, and is the stepping stone for upcoming OpenSpirit functionality. Our current product provides great support for application developers but limits our ability to extend the data footprint into new geotechnical areas. We invested considerable time and resources to this release, the real beauty of which is not so much in the existing functionality, but in the underpinnings that will support OpenSpirit releases for years to come.’
Planned future enhancements include new tools for reference data management and mapping data across POSC, GeoFrame and OpenWorks catalogs. In-house developed reference data can also be incorporated and mapped over to vendor data sources.
Units of measure
Version 3.1 will also see the arrival of units of measure management and a data model mapping tool, an option that will allow data managers to view and modify OpenSpirit’s mappings—a potentially dangerous activity for which ‘special training is advised’!
For developers, a new data access application programming interface (API) promises a standardized query language (JDBC, ADO.NET, SQL99), support for OGIS-based geometry types and geoprocessing by way of spatially-constrained queries. The later releases will also expose native vendor models to developers and will provide a sophisticated ‘metamodel’ service leveraging data store-specific capabilities.
The same technology that allows managers to modify and extend the data mappings will be leveraged by OpenSpirit to progressively extend the OpenSpirit data footprint which, by mid 2008, should embrace production, reservoir engineering and drilling domains.
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