Rowan deploys SARS Intellitrax fleet management

Driller extends asset tracking system to onshore rigs and offshore hurricane response.

Rowan Companies, Inc. a provider of international and domestic contract drilling services is extending its use of SARS Intellitrax to monitor its fleet of drilling rigs, buoys and helicopters. The Intellitrax tracking service now includes Rowan’s land-based drilling rigs. Rowan drilling operations president David Russell said, ‘With Intellitrax, we can monitor all of our assets in a single view, greatly improving the efficiency and safety of our operations.’


Rowan uses SARS to track offshore oil rigs, helicopters and buoys marking sunken rigs. During the hurricane season, SARS locates rigs moving off anchor so that they are returned to service swiftly. SARS also manages an international network of Automatic Identification System (AIS) receivers to deliver real-time vessel traffic information for key ports and waterways as well as marine ‘domain awareness’ surrounding offshore rigs. AIS range is currently 25 to 40 miles but this is to be increased to over 100 miles leveraging technology from ShineMicro.

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