Publishing, e-discovery, geoscience and spatial data quality specs

New standards from Open Archives, EDRM, OGC, GeoSciML and reflections on seismic data on disk.

The Open Archives Initiative is to release its Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE) ‘s-scholarship’ specification next year. ORE is to improve on the traditional paper/PDF academic publishing paradigm with ‘complex aggregations,’ of media, semantic relationships and storage locations. The ORE data model uses a unique identifier to facilitate citation and metadata description. ORE leverages the XML-based Atom syndication format and RDF/XML. The initiative has backing from Cornell University, Los Alamos National Lab., the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Microsoft and the National Science Foundation. More from


The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) association has released an XML standard for information exchange between applications used in the legal discovery process. The standard helps practitioners store, collect and review corporate or legal documentation. ‘e-Discovery’ is enabled across metadata, documents, email, attachments and files. EDRM has received backing from Autonomy Corp. whose Zantaz unit is to deploy the protocol in its e-Discovery and information risk management solutions. More from

Spatial data quality

The Spatial Data Quality workgroup of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is researching how spatial data quality can be defined and communicated across spatial data infrastructures. The workgroup, which includes OGC members Blue Marble and 1Spatial, is currently conducting a survey of spatial data quality across OGC membership. More from

GeoSciML 2.0

A candidate UML model for GeoSciML 2.0 has been developed by the Commission for Management and Interoperability of Geoscience Information (CGI). GeoSciML targets XML schema based geoscience data exchange and web services in its Version 2.0, due for release in August 2008. More from

SEG data on disk

Stuart Levin (Halliburton) has written a short paper on the different ways that seismic tape data can be encapsulated to disk. The paper serves as a basis for discussion and a brief outline of legacy encapsulation techniques and the more modern TIFF and RODE. Read Levin’s full paper on

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