Halliburton’s Landmark unit has acquired the intellectual property and ‘substantially all’ of the assets and existing business of GeoSmith Consulting including the ‘Shapes’ 3D geometric modeling toolset. In its heyday, Shapes, originally developed by XoX Corp., claimed several oil and gas customers including Schlumberger (GeoFrame), VeritasDGC (RC2), TGS Nopec/A2D and Seismic Micro Technology—although the current status of the toolset within Landmark’s competitors is unclear at the present time.
Landmark’s Nick Purday told Oil IT Journal, ‘The GeoSmith modeling tools represent a framework for 3D interpretation from basin modeling through to simulation. They enable our sealed framework interpretation to be updated in real time. The toolset is deployed in both our Geographics Smart Section and the new DecisionSpace EZ Model.’ Shapes offers a ‘non-manifold’ topology architecture with triangular or rectangular meshes of arbitrary geometric shapes.
Previously, Landmark deployed the GoCad modeling engine in its PowerModel product, but this was discontinued when Paradigm acquired Earth Decision and GoCad. Today the geomodeling boot is on the other foot as it were, with Landmark now owning the IP inside ‘some of our competitor’s products!’
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