SRI and LOGIIC complete security study

Chevron, BP-backed initiative protects US critical infrastructure from cyber terrorism.

Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and the LOGIIC Consortium have announced completion of the LOGIIC Correlation Project (LCP) to improve security of US oil and gas critical infrastructure by protecting it from security threats such as viruses, worms and cyber terrorism. LCP partners included major oil and gas companies, the US Department of Homeland Security and vendors.


SRI program director Ulf Lindqvist said, ‘While all industry sectors using process control systems need to protect their systems against cyber attacks, this is particularly critical for the oil and gas sector, where catastrophic events could cause significant losses in terms of human lives, the environment and the economy.’


LCP identifies abnormal events by correlating process control network data with alerts from sources on the business network such as intrusion detection systems and firewalls. LCP partners include Chevron, PDVSA unit CITGO, BP, Honeywell and Symantec Corp.

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