Production data infrastructure released

Production XML (PRODML) data standard rolls-out and merges with Integrated Operations.

The Petrotechnical Open Standards Consortium (POSC) has published the fruits of the Production XML (PRODML) Work Group’s labors and is inviting comment from the industry. First announced last year (OITJ Vol. 10 N° 10), the PRODML initiative was kicked off by a group of fourteen energy companies and solution vendors. The project aims to specify basic standards to enable production optimization work flows.

Fast track

The PRODML workgroup—which spun out of the earlier WITSML initiative—set out on a fast track development to complete a first draft of the spec within a year. Following a review and comment period lasting on the 28th September, the Candidate Release is scheduled for official publication as PRODML Version 1.0, on October 16, 2006.


PRODML addresses general purpose optimization data and application interactions, with an initial focus on gas lift optimization, and real time production optimization. PRODML supports data exchange between applications and data stores in the ‘office’ domain (typically data historian and technical analysis applications) with an emphasis on ‘near-real time’ optimization (i.e. that achievable by changes to the production configuration that can be effected within one day).

Integrated Operations SIG

The previous POSC special interest group (SIG) on Integration Operations is to be re-branded as the POSC Production SIG and is to take over all PRODML activities and deliverables. POSC is to revitalize this SIG to make it a ‘productive home’ for the user and development communities which support POSC’s production standards. Future meetings will address the transition of activities around optimization from the PRODML Work Group to activities structured in the Production SIG.


The PRODML pilots exemplify the scope of data integration on offer. The Shell pilot rolls-in tools from Petex, OsiSoft, Invensys and Weatherford. BP’s gas lift optimizer shows a typical ProdML use case with a combination of real time and manual data feeds used to fire up the optimizer. Optimizer results are then available for study and possible action. Check out and comment on the new spec on

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