Weatherford’s Clarion fiber ‘first’

Downhole seismic, pressure and temperature sensors monitor Valhall injector.

Weatherford has announced the ‘first ever’ offshore installation of a permanent in-well optical seismic system in BP Norway’s G-24 injector well in the Valhall Field, the result of a two-year collaboration with BP Norway to design a system suitable for deployment in an injection or production well. The equipment consists of five 3-component optical accelerometer stations and an optical pressure/temperature gauge deployed with the production tubing near the reservoir.


Weatherford VP Tad Bostick said, ‘Weatherford’s ‘Clarion’ optical in-well system is providing both continuous seismic and pressure/temperature monitoring data and is also interfaced to the existing permanent ocean bottom cable system. This allows for the simultaneous collection of permanent seabed and downhole seismic data.’ See OITJ Vol 9 N° 7 for more on Clarion deployment.

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