San Diego-based American Technology Corp.’s (ATC) Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD), originally developed for the US military, are now available for protection of oil and gas infrastructure. LRAD is a long-range hailing and warning device that is used to warn potential intruders at distances of over 300 meters using only two amps of power.
LRAD can communicate in various languages via a built-in MP3 player and a ‘Phraselator’ translation engine. LRAD can also provide live, continuously recorded video and audio from a remotely controlled ruggedized pan, tilt and zoom camera. ATC reports oil sector LRAD deployment in Nigeria, India and in the Gulf Coast with additional installations expected in these and other oil and gas producing regions.
ATC CEO John Zavoli said, ‘LRAD has applications at land and shore facilities, sea platforms, pipelines and terminals, and on transport and other ships and vehicles in use by the oil and gas industry.
Due to the vast costs associated with repairing intentionally damaged oil and gas infrastructure this is a business area that we believe has significant potential for large orders of manually and remotely-operated LRAD systems.’ LRAD systems have been in use since 2003 by the U.S. Army, Navy and Marines in the Middle East and Iraq.
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