Following our short piece on Roxar’s port of IRAP RMS to the Windows XP 64-bit Edition last month, we asked IRAP product manager Dave Hardy for hard numbers on the performance of Roxar’s reservoir modeling flagship on Microsoft’s high end operating system.
Hardy explained, ‘The first benchmark, a straightforward comparison of IRAP 7.5.1 on 32 bit and 64 bit Windows shows a near doubling in performance on the latter platform. The Windows 64 bit benchmark is comparable with the performance on 64 bit Linux, although Linux is still faster in many cases. This is algorithm dependant but is on average, about 15%.’
IRAP user Alexander Doroshenko of Gazprom’s TjumenNIIGiprogaz R&D unit said, ‘Having access to larger amounts of memory is very important for us. RMS 7.5.1 on Windows XP 64-Bit Edition will allow us to build larger and more detailed models faster and easier, with more stability. Windows XP 64-Bit Edition gives us the ability to work in an environment that supports a wide range of general-purpose software.’
Hardy also told Oil IT Journal that earlier benchmarking against IRAP’s main PC based competitor indicated some algorithm speeds in Irap RMS were 15 to 75 times faster.
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