Ikon, Petrosys jump on Petrel bandwagon

Boutique software houses to leverage Schlumberger’s ‘Ocean’ development platform.

Two G&G software boutiques have signed with Schlumberger this month to build software add-ons for Schlumberger’s flagship interpretation application, Petrel. UK-based Ikon Science is to develop a data link between its RokDoc package and Petrel. Australian Petrosys will do likewise for its Petroleum mapping system. Ikon, with sponsorship from BG Group, is to develop a version its 2D, rock physics-based seismic modeler, RokDoc, which will be embedded in Petrel. SIS’ Microsoft .NET-based Ocean framework will be used to build a link between the two packages.


Petrosys is also to leverage the Ocean framework to integrate its mapping solution with Petrel. Petrel users will be able display their interpretations, along with information from other data sources, through the Petrosys map interface.

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